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The girl by the window!

  • SSP 

I leave home by around 7am to work by bus everyday. It’s about an hours drive from my place and I tend to calculate how early or how late I am based on the relative presence or occurrence of other regular happenings around me. The bus gets to the outskirts by crossing a few posh…


  • SSP 

Should have posted this quite some time back but for some reason or the other I’ve sort of procrastinated it. I’d been to a place called Sangam a few weeks back when I was in Bang’lore. Next time you visit Bangalore,make it a point to visit this spot. It’s about 80 kms from the main…

Just a week! Phew!

  • SSP 

Yipee…Just finished the POST.That literally means the techie part of my training is done with!!Got just a few Management sessions for the next few days till our postings get decided and then I’m no more a trainee! Finally, a sense of completion after a gruelling four month hectic schedule.   I’m least bothered on how tough…

Speed and Sleep…

  • SSP 

I love travelling!Though, it hasn’t got much to do with my  tendency to fall asleep in moving vehicles , to a very large extent that’s been the prime factor!!They’ve been quite a few days when I’ve picked up a day ticket in Hyderabad, got into one of the city buses and dozed off to glory only to…


  • SSP 

I’d been to a theater named Kailash yesterday to watch the movie Bhul bhulaiya. I’ve already seen the Malayalam and the Tamil versions of this film, so the movie wasn’t something that really interested me. What was more interesting is the way the Black ticket modus operandi that the theater management deploys. They’re basically three…