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  • SSP 

Absolutely floored by StirlingPDF. Installing it barely took 3 minutes and it’s got features that will give Adobe a run for its money!  


  • SSP 

The pains and joys of self-hosting and tinkering. There’s always something that is broken, ready to be fixed, to be upgraded, can be built upon or changed. It is like a puzzle that constantly evolves depending on the time you invest in it. And every once in a while it exposes the silver lining that…


  • SSP 

Been looking for a Google voice number replacement for sometime now and looks like I might have found one that meets most of my needs. Just got a JMP number and ordered a sim with a data plan. The cheogram app so far has been great and once I get the SIM I might slowly…


  • SSP 

Wanting to have more control on the Digital Photo Frame that I setup a few days ago, I ordered a few Sonoff smart plugs. Right after I ordered them I realised I could actually flash Tasmota on them to keep them cloud-free. Ordered a couple FTDI USB adapters to flash Tasmota on them. Time to…


  • SSP 

Went to a Blue Man Group performance last Friday. Our first and most likely last. The drums were great but the theatrics left a lot to be desired. Also didn’t help that S was in one of her super emotional moods…