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This page collates all 'micro-posts' written either directly on this portal or via social-readers. Responses and/or other interactions to posts shared on external social networks [, Twitter, Mastodon etc.] are back-fed to the corresponding posts. Thanks Indieweb!


Absolutely floored by StirlingPDF. Installing it barely took 3 minutes and it’s got features that will give Adobe a run for its money!



The pains and joys of self-hosting and tinkering. There’s always something that is broken, ready to be fixed, to be upgraded, can be built upon or changed. It is like a puzzle that constantly evolves depending on the time you invest in it. And every once in a while it exposes the silver lining that keeps you hooked to it.

PhotoPrism Albums

M and I tend to share photos with family and friends on various chat groups. While straightforward, It felt redundant to share copies of the same pictures in multiple places. I’ve been looking for options to share album links instead that would give us a bit more control. All our photos are primarily saved in a Nextcloud self-hosted instance. I explored a few options of album shares there but wasn’t quite happy. Pixelfed was another option I explored. It did check most of the requirements but I wasn’t quite comfortable relying on a software that’s mostly dependent on just one developer. Also the unlisted feature on their albums seemed half-baked and not yet ready for prime-time. Finally played a bit with PhotoPrism and so far it seems to be something that checks all the boxes. With private links, a PWA app and great thumbnails this might be the closest solution for my photo needs.



Been looking for a Google voice number replacement for sometime now and looks like I might have found one that meets most of my needs. Just got a JMP number and ordered a sim with a data plan. The cheogram app so far has been great and once I get the SIM I might slowly transition things out of GV.


Wanting to have more control on the Digital Photo Frame that I setup a few days ago, I ordered a few Sonoff smart plugs. Right after I ordered them I realised I could actually flash Tasmota on them to keep them cloud-free. Ordered a couple FTDI USB adapters to flash Tasmota on them. Time to dust off that soldering gun!