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This page collates all 'micro-posts' written either directly on this portal or via social-readers. Responses and/or other interactions to posts shared on external social networks [, Twitter, Mastodon etc.] are back-fed to the corresponding posts. Thanks Indieweb!

Grand Vitara

Brought the Grand Vitara home today. We’d been on the lookout for a decent car ever since we knew about our next posting. We don’t need one here in CDMX but would definitely need one in Yaounde. All I wanted was a reliable bare minimum car with no gadgetry shabangs. Over the last few months folks on their PCS did post a few decent cars but these are barely in the market for a few hours. With this one though, the stars seemed to align all well one day and we were able to seal the deal in a few hours.

Given the mileage, the GV might need some maintenance over the next few years. It rides like butter now though and reminds me of the Grand Cherokee we had in NYC/BOS.


Went to a Blue Man Group performance last Friday. Our first and most likely last. The drums were great but the theatrics left a lot to be desired. Also didn’t help that S was in one of her super emotional moods…

Digital Photo frame

Used the spare RPI3 I salvaged from the NCP migration and made a decent digital photo frame. Ever since I consolidated all my photos, I’ve been wanting to setup a digital frame that would take us back in time on command. Some version of ‘On this day’ – but for photos. I think I have a solution that is close to what I had in mind. The photos are currently on a USB drive synced from my Nextcloud server via a cron job. I still need to work out how I choose what photos get displayed when. But so far, I am pretty happy with how this has turned out.


S just got back from a week long camping trip in Pipiol. This is the first time she’s been away from M or me overnight and she seems to have handled it real well! Super proud of her! All credit goes to her school for prepping the class right from the very beginning of the school year.


Last weekend I got a bit cocky and decided to upgrade the distro on the NextcloudPi. The upgrade seemed to go well until it threw a PHP error which got me going in circles. In hindsight, I’d setup automatic upgrades on NextcloudPi and Nextcloud, which seems to have conflicted with the actual distribution’s update. Now I did take a backup, but that didn’t quite sit well with the now upgraded system and the myriad PHP issues.

Had enough of the band-aid fixes and decided to migrate the nextcloud server to a laptop that was just lying around unused. Decided to stick with the NexcloudPi OS since it has served me super awesome over the last seven years. I did make sure the auto upgrades were disabled though! Also RSync is awesome!

An added  bonus is that I now have a spare RPi3 to tinker with! Not quite dumbing down, am I?