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Digital Photo frame

  • SSP 

Used the spare RPI3 I salvaged from the NCP migration and made a decent digital photo frame. Ever since I consolidated all my photos, I’ve been wanting to setup a digital frame that would take us back in time on command. Some version of ‘On this day’ – but for photos. I think I have…

November 12, 2022 11:20

  • SSP

At a Veterans day performance with A at a high school nearby. The kids were awesome. Adults could do better!

Sugarloaf Mountain

  • SSP

Took A out for a short hike up Sugarloaf Mountain. More of a hill than a mountain! This one’s a quick 25min hike up to the summit and has some real nice views on the top. The trail generally gets super crowded but looks like the cold weather did keep the majority indoors. A got…


  • SSP

Appa’s been mentioning Luray Caverns for a while now, so we decided to head there this weekend. He did pretty well despite his knees giving him a tough time. ‘Oh so worth it. Simbly beautiful’ – his words! While at it, we got our annual national parks pass and decided to do the scenic drive…

Poconos Fam

  • SSP 

This labor day weekend, the fam VRBOd a pretty nice woodsy property in the Poconos. It’s been years since some of us have met! The adults had some great time together just winding down while the kids literally brought the place down. The property had direct access to the Beltzville lake and almost everyone took…