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Katraj to Sinhagad – Take 5

  • SSP 

[caption id="attachment_37938" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Sinhagad at a distance. This picture is from on of my previous hikes.[/caption] Sharp at 0600 as we finally reach the road that winds up to Sinhagad, Ankur and I take a moment to savor the twilight chill. The last 7.5 hours has been nothing short of mesmerizing and rewarding. Just…

Hauz Khas

  • SSP 

‘Urbanization’ peeking in quite adjacent to the Hauz Khas fort. This beautiful reservoir and the surrounding wooded area sealed the deal! Spent quite some time exploring around here this evening. Can’t wait to introduce M&S to this place.

Dawn Catch

  • SSP 

These fishermen in their catamarans were slowly yet gleefully making their way back to the coastline early AM. Likely a terrific catch that they could sell back on land? Or was it just another day in the waters making ends meet, doing what they love and loving what they do?

January 6, 2022 06:09

  • SSP 

Built this robust scooter for little S last evening. Absolutely love how intricate these infento kits can get. Kept both of us engaged for more than four hours. The scooter should keep her occupied for a few days…or not…

Breezy shadows

  • SSP 

Most evenings when her mom heads downstairs to the gym for a yoga class, this little munchkin and I, head over to the terrace for some ‘outside’ time. She insists on getting her tricycle along – handlebars all donned with Christmas ornaments and the rear storage bin full of random trinkets and toys. Rarely does she really ride it.