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  • SSP 

Over the last few months, I have been able to drastically reduce the digital clutter with two key tools – Anonaddy and KTN. Anonaddy lets you spin up email aliases on-the-go and sever them as needed.  KTN let’s you subscribe to newsletters in your feed reader via RSS. Pretty cool concept and I love how…

Tiny troubles

  • SSP 

Of late, the NUC has been getting really hot. Core CPU temperatures were hitting the 80s despite the system being on literally no load. When I first bought it in mid-2020, I was aware that this lineage of tiny monsters were known for their ‘hot’ness and the fan being a bit loud.  Only over the…

Fred – Senior Citizen Assistant

  • SSP 
Replied to Fred by Francesco SchwarzFrancesco Schwarz (

What’s the point of leaving a teeny tiny artifact of memories of a human being in the form of an article on this website that no one will read? Probably none, I just do it for myself. Or maybe just to process what I experienced.

Also I guess to subconsciously coax more people to do it? This is a fascinating concept and I wish something that was replicated widely.

Coach R

  • SSP 

Yet another terrific early AM outing to the beach. S and V joined Coach R’s group for an athletics workout session. As one of his junior coaches guided the kids on the beach sand drills, I took this opportunity to chat up with this cheerful 75+(?) year old gentleman. Quite a humbling personality and a…

Immunity Amnesia

  • SSP 

#TIL When infected with measles, the immune system takes a reboot and abruptly erases every memory of pathogen it’s had before, essentially making your body vulnerable to infections. Rebuilding immunity takes years… in 2002, a group of Japanese scientists discovered that the receptor the measles virus binds to – a kind of molecular lock that…