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Digital Photo frame

  • SSP 

Used the spare RPI3 I salvaged from the NCP migration and made a decent digital photo frame. Ever since I consolidated all my photos, I’ve been wanting to setup a digital frame that would take us back in time on command. Some version of ‘On this day’ – but for photos. I think I have…


  • SSP 

Last weekend I got a bit cocky and decided to upgrade the distro on the NextcloudPi. The upgrade seemed to go well until it threw a PHP error which got me going in circles. In hindsight, I’d setup automatic upgrades on NextcloudPi and Nextcloud, which seems to have conflicted with the actual distribution’s update. Now…

Pico de Águila

  • SSP 

S was having a rough day on Saturday and was scrunched up against me all day. Around 1900 I checked my work phone and saw that Mo had texted earlier that morning asking if I would be interested in hiking Pico de Aguilar the next day. I wanted to confirm immediately but given S’s health…


  • SSP 

Setup a basic gallery page on my website that automatically updates and displays thumbnails from all my posts. Turned out to be a fun mini project and I’ve now scratched a long time itch!

Globo aerostático

  • SSP 

Some good time up in the air above the Teotihuacán pyramids. Flight was super smooth and with us landing right over a cactus field, the ending was even better!