Open notes with a running list of things I’m working on for this site.
DEC 2024 Build roadmap for Garmin posts migration Fetch activity summaries over as an archive Build a yearly summary per activity Add webmentions to the site. Thanks, Hugo! Tweak CSS to display webmentions properly. Maybe explore this. Maybe explore setting up an interactions content type like Jessica Fix syndication issues Limit RSS Feed fetch to just 5 recent posts Make FrontMatter updates Camelcase proof Consolidate into just one GO script Figure out how to fetch synd links for micro posts without embed links Consolidate categories Convert old tweets to a summary page on this portal Merge old instagram posts to the photos page. Maybe add some pagination to the micro page NOV 2024 Used lonekorean’s fantastic wordpress-export-to-markdown tool to convert WP xml to markdown learned that the hugo server and hugo build serve different purposes Setup aliases on NUC and Thinkpond to quickly build and publish. Moved the actual publishing workflow to the Thinkpond and retained the main static site on the NUC. Fixed permalinks to prevent link rot, almost? Fixed RSS feed issues For posts tagged as micro set the title to just date+time so that picks it up as a note and not display the title. Migrate older posts as deemed fit Build a proper archive page. Made some decent progress, thanks to D’Arcy Norman’s, pointers here . Build a proper photo gallery