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Weeknote 19 – feeds and sessions

  • SSP 

A glimpse of the past week and the few things that captivated my attention: Weather’s been pretty erratic this week. We also had a mild dusting yesterday out of the blue! Might consider heading out for a hike later today. I nudged Meena to write more. We’ve had some interesting discussions on Yoga and other…

Trilium Web app

Migrating over to Trilium notes

  • SSP 

PS: For step-by-step instructions read this post instead I’ve had my eyes on Trilium notes since last year. Having setup a robust docker framework earlier this year, I decided to test Trilium out. Gave it a test run this morning and am way impressed with its’ functionalities! With docker, installation was super easy and I…

Deploying Known on a docker stack

  • SSP 

To migrate my php applications that did not have a handy docker-compose available, I needed a vanilla setup for my stack-based docker environment. Known is one of those apps and so the first step was to build that PHP environment. Setting up a Dockerhub repository and building a custom PHP image [If you decide to…

Self-hosting Jitsi video conferencing

  • SSP is a terrific, secure video-conferencing #alternative to #Zoom and obviously comes with all the open-source awesomeness. Call clarity is amazing and with a room capacity of 100+ (and potentially much more, driven by network and server capabilities), it’s an absolute no-brainer to switch over. Use Jitsi Meet on the desktop or use one of…

Moving files from all subdirectories without the tree structure

  • SSP 

Appa, who’s very active on Facebook, recently wanted an easy way to sift through his old videos and photos that were up on his account. I decided to take a dump of his data from the network using the download your information section. I initiated the process with just a few clicks and after a…