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Food Chronicles

  • SSP 

With M&S back to MD I’m the Chef de Cuisine full-time. While I love taking on that role, since it gives me extra time to listen to podcasts, it’s been challenging cooking to the taste buds of two octogenarians both quality and quantity wise!

Resurrecting the Lumala

  • SSP 

In a freak case of serendipity and perfect coincidence, I got to know earlier this week that my first owned geared bike was still very much standing in dusty glory in my Aunt’s garage. I bought the Lumala back in 2009 and it’s taken me several hundreds of miles on the western ghats. So many…

You can’t tell people anything

  • SSP 

So beautifully phrased! Be it social gatherings, team meetings, interviews or even regular discussions; there’s so much ‘lost’ in all forms of human communication! What’s going on is that without some kind of direct experience to use as a touchstone, people don’t have the context that gives them a place in their minds to put…


  • SSP 

Took Appa to the Marina this morning. The beach was open but it was a terrible experience. Trash strewn all over, lingering overnight dwellers, and of course open defecation by the shore ..yeah, that still happens! It wasn’t this bad a few years ago. We could then run barefoot on the sand for a good…