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Time, not Money

  • SSP 
Replied to Time, not Money by Nitin Khanna (

We have a new iPhone in the family. My previous prediction was that Apple will come out with a series of phones, and I’ll upgrade from my iPhone 7 Plus to whatever the large 4G model will be. Apple is certainly run by smarter people than me. They released no non-5G flagship phones. I took up an of…

I am so glad I moved out of the Apple ecosystem a few years back. Was good while I was using it and now that I’m off, I don’t really follow or have the urge to upgrade to the next in-thing. It is liberating and I guess – to each his own! Absolutely love such…

  • SSP 
Replied to Attention, gratitude, compassion by Philip BrewerPhilip Brewer (

Many years ago I read a pretty good book: How to Want What You Have by Timothy Miller. It teaches what is basically a stripped down, secularized Buddhism as a way to make yourself happier. I was reminded of it because I’ve just read 10% Happier by Dan Harris, which covers similar material. I’d r…

Philip, You could take practicing your compassion several levels over by driving in Indian traffic. Trust me, I’ve tried doing what your friend suggested several times and finally chose a better solution – let my wife drive. She’s either transcended to zen mode or got way too numbed down with the incessant honking and haphazard,…

  • SSP 
Replied to 2019-09-15 13:41 by Philip BrewerPhilip Brewer (

Jackie has told me stories of her visits to Kovalam Beach from when she was living in Trivandrum! She was puzzled by your map, though, which seems to show something on the right coast. Isn’t Kovalam on the left coast?
Reply to: Kovalam Bike ride | Srikanth Perinkulam Possibly related posts (auto-g…

Rightfully so! There are two beaches with the same name on both coasts of the peninsular region. The one in Trivandrum is way better than the one I biked to on the east coast. Kerala is bestowed with some really good scenic places. I did a long backpacking trip several years ago. Some of my…

Replied to:On adjusting to the cold and dark

  • SSP 
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If you haven’t yet, you should read Scott Carney’s book on environmental conditioning. I think it’s called ‘What Doesn’t kill us’ and is a beautiful dive in to Wim Hoff’s breathing methods to manipulate the immune system. in reply to: On adjusting to the cold and dark After suffering from SAD for half my life,…

Replied to:Re: Fired up!

  • SSP 
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Syncthing looks pretty interesting. I’ll probably give it a shot for another project of mine. Thanks for the pointer. For the pi3 setup, one USB port supports both the keyboard and mouse, while another serves the hard disk, leaving two more ports free. I use an hdmi adapter for the screen. Once I get a…