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  • SSP 
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If you’ve always been wondering that there’s something that you’ve not done for the past few years but just aren’t able to figure out what it is, probably I may be able to help you out! 😉 Pack your bags and get your gear. It’s high time you moved from the cozy environs of your…

Up in thin air! – Parasailing

  • SSP 

There are so many places and occasions where you can sit back, relax and rethink on your strategy and future course in life. I wonder why it’s always the other way round for me. Above 450m from the ground, where you have no control on yourself and have vested your dear life to the hands…

AdVentura – Bangalore

  • SSP 

There’s this wonderful group called Adventura for adventure freaks that operates from Bangalore. So if you are into trekking and stuff and stay somewhere near bangalore it’s high time you enroll yourself in this group. They arrange treks in and around Bangalore almost every weekend. Even if you haven’t really been on a trek and…


  • SSP 

Should have posted this quite some time back but for some reason or the other I’ve sort of procrastinated it. I’d been to a place called Sangam a few weeks back when I was in Bang’lore. Next time you visit Bangalore,make it a point to visit this spot. It’s about 80 kms from the main…

Speed and Sleep…

  • SSP 

I love travelling!Though, it hasn’t got much to do with my  tendency to fall asleep in moving vehicles , to a very large extent that’s been the prime factor!!They’ve been quite a few days when I’ve picked up a day ticket in Hyderabad, got into one of the city buses and dozed off to glory only to…