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February 2008

Ipaper – Scribd

  • SSP 

Ever thought how good it would have been if you were able to portray your documents in a much appealing format rather than the normal linked form? If you could portray a totally different way of representing your documents? I was scouting for something on those lines when I chanced up on this site. Looked…

Ipaper – Scribd

  • SSP 

document.write(”); Read this doc on Scribd: FRENCH SNIPPETS var scribd_doc = new scribd.Document(2194749, ‘key-21rsrum9pvbeqnvcf02h’); scribd_doc.addParam(‘height’, 500); scribd_doc.addParam(‘width’, 450); scribd_doc.addParam(‘page’, 1); scribd_doc.addParam(‘mode’, ‘book’); scribd_doc.write(’embedded_flash_2194749_17rttg’);

Nagarjunsagar and Ethipothala

  • SSP 

My cell rings at about 5:00am . As I’m already awake by then, I recognize the person at the other end to be Gaurav Saxena. Just a wake up call he says! Gaurav’s been one of the most active members of Hydventura and today morning he’s taken the responsibility of spoiling everyone’s sleep just to…

OpenSolaris Installation

  • SSP 
Replied to

I’d ordered the Solaris 10 DVD from a third party agent a few days back. It did avoid the hassle of downloading the code from the website and burning it on to a ROM and the service by Rainbow Computech was pretty good. I got the DVD delivered to my home in three days with…


  • SSP 

 Today, I’d been to Hari Hara Kala Bhavan to watch a play called Five Point Someone.  It was based on Chetan Bhagat’s first novel with the same name and is  EVAM’s first debut performance in Hyderabad. And oh yes! It’s the first ever play I’ve watched live 🙂 . I’d blocked four tickets on saturday…