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  • SSP 

8 miles at blast fitness while Miss Me was teaching her yoga class. Knocked it in 1.5hrs. 2.8, 2.6, 2.6 splits. Probably the dad(?) training his kid was entertaining enough!


  • SSP 

5 miles at the Y and 5 miles later in the evening on the road. Couldn’t fit in the planned swim session after the morning run. Snowy/icy sidewalks led to a slower run.


  • SSP 

10 miles on the treadmill. Longest distance so far. Not that bad, after all. Looks like I’m getting used to the treadmill much quicker than anticipated. The target was 15 though. Will hopefully play catchup over the next few weeks.


  • SSP 

Finished just 8 miles on the treadmill while the target was 20. Need to get my acts together. With the snow storm worsening, highly unlikely I’ll be able to build any more miles in by EOD…Ughh.


  • SSP 

5 miles at the Y and 2 on the road. So NOT looking forward to tomorrow’s 20 miler in the treadmill. The storm has already messed up my training for this week…