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Maui whales

  • SSP 

The only regret I have from our recent trip to Maui is my zero involvement in any of the trip planning. We could have gone kayaking to see the whales up close. Such a missed opportunity…Next time I guess!

Reading Rhythm

  • SSP 

Over the last month, I seem to have switched into a better reading rhythm. I’d probably attribute it to having a bit more time and mind-space for myself. Also, I figured I needed a better system to keep track of the books I had in queue.  While Wallabag has been a terrific tool to assimilate,…

Squashing the bug

  • SSP 

Squashed a minor bug in my code for ‘favorite’ posts. The post wasn’t getting marked up with Microformats when the content (response) was blank. The way it’s currently setup, I have just one workflow for all ‘types’ of post (podcast, reply, like, repost, bookmark, read etc.) and looks like I missed a logic flow that…


  • SSP 

Moved on to Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C, D and Parsvottanasana to close out the fundamental positions this week. Remembering the sequence in tandem with the breath flow and stabilizing the body posture is a task! Every time I feel I’ve learnt one vinyasa well, I end up faltering on another. No wonder it’s recommended…

Moving on to the fundamentals

  • SSP 

Was introduced to Padangusthasana, Padahastasana followed by Trikonasana A and Trikonasana B today. Called for a bit of stability and a lot of focus! I seem to have a got a hang of the Sun Salutations. I did catch myself doing a few mistakes, but guess that’s good. Was in sync with Miss Me for…