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Letting go

  • SSP 

Close to three months since I was introduced to Uttitha Hastha Padangusthasana and I still find this asana pretty challenging. This Wednesday’s practice was tremendously draining. Spent close to five minutes just trying to focus and balance, but it just didn’t flow through. Back home that night, I sought Miss Me to figure out why I was…

Moving downwards

  • SSP 

Moved on to Dandasana, Paschimottanasana A and B, and Purvottanasana :clap: . And looks like I no longer need to do the standing sequence twice! Though I still haven’t got Uttitha Hastha Padangusthasana (the only part in the standing sequence that I dread every single time I do it!) quite right, I’m happy to move…


  • SSP 

Today’s ashtanga practice was insanely powerful. At the end of the first set of the standing pose, I felt like a dark cloud just about letting go of its huge water droplets and by the end of the second set I was a completely wet noodle. Not quite sure if it was the temperature in…


  • SSP 

Moved on to Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C, D and Parsvottanasana to close out the fundamental positions this week. Remembering the sequence in tandem with the breath flow and stabilizing the body posture is a task! Every time I feel I’ve learnt one vinyasa well, I end up faltering on another. No wonder it’s recommended…

Progress and cold habits

  • SSP 

5 reps of Sun salutations A, 8 reps of Sun salutation B, 2 reps each of Padangusthasana, Padahasthasana, Uthita Trikonanasa and Parivrita Trikonasana leading into Uthita Parshvakonasana and Parivrita Parshvakonasana and finally closing out with the three seated poses – Yoga mudra,Padmasana,Utplutih and Shavasana. Took close to an hour for the whole session. On a…