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Sun Salutations B

  • SSP 

Up at 04:30am and had ample time to get ready. Did a dry runthrough of the sequence with Miss Me just before we left home and that provedto be pretty useful. Today’s class was much better in terms of execution.Practiced Sun Salutations A for about eight times. Kate then walked me throughSun Salutation B thrice…

Learning to breathe

  • SSP 

First ashtanga class at Down Under Yoga and it felt SO FREAKING GOOD! Started off with a short chant and dived straight into Sun Salutations A. The first few rounds felt pretty straight forward. But then pretty quickly I found it really hard to keep track of my breathing and the sequence. I was asked…

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  • SSP 

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  • SSP 

Liked: IndieWebifying my website: part 1, the why & how I’ve decided to re-design my personal website, My primary reason is to become a full-fledged member of the IndieWeb community. If I’m writing about Open Web technologies here on AltPlatform, then I ought to be eating my own dog food. Srikanth Perinkulam

  • SSP 

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