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  • SSP 

Moved on to Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C, D and Parsvottanasana to close out the fundamental positions this week. Remembering the sequence in tandem with the breath flow and stabilizing the body posture is a task! Every time I feel I’ve learnt one vinyasa well, I end up faltering on another. No wonder it’s recommended…

Liked:Facepile Lives

  • SSP 

Reminds me to clean up my facepiles too! Liked: Facepile Lives Rough, but any new ‘like’ webmention to my site will be given a ‘like’ custom comment type and displayed in a facepile. Still need to convert the existing ones. See both previous (for now) and new likes on this post about Fr. Srikanth Perinkulam


  • SSP 

Great day out with the kids. Hit Callahan State Park for a short hike. Getting them out of the house was probably the toughest part ! Today’s hike was also a test run before we take them on a longer hike next weekend. The 8 mile Skyline trail at Middlesex fells should be a challenging…

#779: Shrimp Fight Club

  • SSP 

The nuclear force under water. Nature trumps all ingenuity. Podcast: #779: Shrimp Fight Club What happens when an unstoppable shrimp meets an unmovable senator? A researcher goes to Washington to defend herself, her shrimp, and science itself. Srikanth Perinkulam

Progress and cold habits

  • SSP 

5 reps of Sun salutations A, 8 reps of Sun salutation B, 2 reps each of Padangusthasana, Padahasthasana, Uthita Trikonanasa and Parivrita Trikonasana leading into Uthita Parshvakonasana and Parivrita Parshvakonasana and finally closing out with the three seated poses – Yoga mudra,Padmasana,Utplutih and Shavasana. Took close to an hour for the whole session. On a…