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Oregon Ridge Park

  • SSP 

Took Appa and S out to the Oregon Ridge Park while M helped getting things ready for Amma’s Shraadam. While at it I also got to test the new action camera that we bought last month. Quite a chilly and windy day. That didn’t deter S from having a blast at the playground. The ‘hike’…

Diyas and memories

  • SSP 

Diwali it is and I’m so lucky to be at AJ this year. Though most of the family is not here, I did want to get those positive light vibes in the house. Appa and I got the diyas out and lit them up like we’ve usually done during the years past. Brought back so…


  • SSP 

It’s about 2 AM and I am on a side bed in Sinai Hospital. Earlier today (yesterday) Meena and I brought into this world a sparkingly beautiful 7lb 5oz girl. I remember seeing Meena during the institute at TFI with some of her school kids and thinking she would be a wonderful mother one day.…

Bookmark:Is There Awareness Behind Vegetative States?

  • SSP 

That day when we’re able to distinguish that line, I’d wish we’d figured this all out way back in 2000. It still bothers me that we weren’t able to figure out what was going on in that mind and if at all there was a communication happening… Bookmark: Is There Awareness Behind Vegetative States? Imagine…


  • SSP 

I get into my house, I believe from the side entrance. Looks like there’s nobody in there. It’s mildly windy. Possibly from an open window? There’s a barely audible calming music from MS coming out from the bedroom. As I walk in, I notice TVM in the bed cocooned in a blanket, her eye’s glazed…