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Farewell Cherokee

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Finally let go of the Cherokee today. Served the family well for close to 18 years. Our first ever car that we took care of and was immensely useful during our stay in New York.

Down deep under I still know it’s got so much life and many more miles to go. Thatha took excellent care of it and we did all we could to maintain it. Hoping the new owner continues to do likewise!

Yet another person whom I know would be cross with us for letting go of this vehicle is Pappi. Our super awesome mechanic in NY. Going to be difficult to see him and break the news!

6 Awesome Uncrowded National Parks

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Plan a trip to Yellowstone or Yosemite and you’re likely to see as many humans as animals, try one of the hidden treasures our NPS offers instead. Source: 6 Awesome Uncrowded National Parks

Seeing Theory

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A visual introduction to probability and statistics. Source: Seeing Theory

Is Quantum Theory About Reality or What We Know?

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Physicists know how to use quantum theory—your phone and computer give plenty of evidence of that. But knowing how to use it is a far cry from fully understanding the world the theory describes—or even what the various mathematical devices scientists use in the theory are supposed to mean.

Millennium Bear Cafe ride

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Bike-Brunch-Bike day. 12 miles in total. With temps at 80 and heavy headwind, the uphill at Millenium Park totally reminded me of Tamhini ghat.