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Grand Vitara

  • SSP 

Brought the Grand Vitara home today. We’d been on the lookout for a decent car ever since we knew about our next posting. We don’t need one here in CDMX but would definitely need one in Yaounde. All I wanted was a reliable bare minimum car with no gadgetry shabangs. Over the last few months…


  • SSP 

Went to a Blue Man Group performance last Friday. Our first and most likely last. The drums were great but the theatrics left a lot to be desired. Also didn’t help that S was in one of her super emotional moods…

Nevado de Toluca

  • SSP 

I’m writing this, sick to the core at 0300, rallying between sweating out the sheets and freezing to the bones. It’s been a rough couple days. Oddly enough I didn’t feel one ounce of pain during the alpine hike I did on Saturday. We summited Nevado de Toluca on Saturday and this would be one…

Pico de Águila

  • SSP 

S was having a rough day on Saturday and was scrunched up against me all day. Around 1900 I checked my work phone and saw that Mo had texted earlier that morning asking if I would be interested in hiking Pico de Aguilar the next day. I wanted to confirm immediately but given S’s health…

Globo aerostático

  • SSP 

Some good time up in the air above the Teotihuacán pyramids. Flight was super smooth and with us landing right over a cactus field, the ending was even better!