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The long pending meet…

  • SSP 

Well, today is the ninth day as an ‘Outfoscion’ and despite the initial hiccups the transition has been real smooth. It took me a couple of days to let the feeling really sink in and to get adjusted to the relaxed carefree schedule of my self imposed ‘break’ before I join TFI.  The first two…

The Freedom ride ’09

  • SSP 

The atlas cycle in front of me squeaks as the rider careens into one of the construction sites of the Aliens group. As I follow in tandem, I’m swept over by the cheers of the construction workers standing by the gates to welcome us into the rest station. Thumping music pulsates the 100+ crowd and…

The Duck and the Eagle

  • SSP 

An interesting read! No one can make you serve customers well. That`s because great service is a choice. Years ago, Harvey Mackay, (Business Motivational Speaker & Inspirational Quotes – Harvey Mackay) told a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point. He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When…