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Into the woods: how one man survived alone in the wilderness for 27 years

  • SSP 

hristopher Knight was only 20 years old when he walked away from society, not to be seen again for more than a quarter of a century. He had been working for less than a year installing home and vehicle alarm systems near Boston, Massachusetts, when abruptly, without giving notice to his boss, he quit his job.

How to Read the Weather

  • SSP 

How Accurate Is That 10-Day Forecast? “Most TV meteorologists make ten-day forecasts without telling viewers that after the first two or three days, it’s probably a crapshoot,” says Jack Williams, USA Today’s founding weather editor.

The Economics of Environmentalism

  • SSP 

For some reason, years ago, someone decided that business and environmentalism should be mortal enemies. Well, maybe that’s not quite how it happened. But some days, it feels like it.

The Story of Firefox OS

  • SSP 

The Story of Firefox OS I remember at a team dinner once Mitchell Baker, Mozilla’s Chairwoman and “Chief Lizard Wrangler”, talked about the importance of storytelling. She talked about how telling stories in the open source software community helps us to reflect on shared experiences and learn from them.