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  • SSP 

Went to a Blue Man Group performance last Friday. Our first and most likely last. The drums were great but the theatrics left a lot to be desired. Also didn’t help that S was in one of her super emotional moods…

Globo aerostático

  • SSP 

Some good time up in the air above the Teotihuacán pyramids. Flight was super smooth and with us landing right over a cactus field, the ending was even better!

Junior ranger

  • SSP 

Working with S on her first ever Junior ranger activity sitting right above the clouds. The park ranger sneaked in an ‘eating vegetables’ pact in her oath and handed over a pretty cool wooden badge.

Leleiwi overlook trail

  • SSP 

Super short hike up to the overlook. Absolutely mesmerized to see the Tradewinds holding down the sea of clouds!


  • SSP 

That’s approximately 6 months of particulate we didn’t breathe in thanks to the air purifier! From just one room…ugh!