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This page collates all 'micro-posts' written either directly on this portal or via social-readers. Responses and/or other interactions to posts shared on external social networks [, Twitter, Mastodon etc.] are back-fed to the corresponding posts. Thanks Indieweb!


Someone chickened out and did just 4.5 miles instead of 6. Looks like this week is all downhill in terms of mileage. Regular VFW loop.

Update: CRISPR

Whoa..This one totally made blew my mind! Some deep insight on what’s transpiring in the gene space and some phenomenal implications of gene drive. Are we seriously engineering evolution?

Wish I had talks like this for biology class when in school!

#CRISPR #Genedrive

Source: Update: CRISPR


A neat 7 miler to the yoga studio. Miss Me wanted to try out a new dish at Veggie galaxy. Slow but steady pace. Was so looking forward to the fries and apple cider!


6 miler with just a raccoon sighting. Good pace finishing out in 1:10. The coyotes seem to be hibernating!

Frog Skating

I’ve never ever done Ice Skating before. Will say no more!

The right foot kept rolling out. Possibly the shoe. Most likely my foot. Absolute fun, nevertheless.
