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This page collates all 'micro-posts' written either directly on this portal or via social-readers. Responses and/or other interactions to posts shared on external social networks [, Twitter, Mastodon etc.] are back-fed to the corresponding posts. Thanks Indieweb!

Fetching knocks

Brilliant article, Chris! Had to tweak the code slightly to auto fetch my homepage Id, but worked like a charm! Also looking forward to your ‘read’ plugin!

Responding to @Mentions from Twitter to My Website

An outline of how I used Indieweb technology to let Twitter users send @mentions to me on my own website. You can tweet to my website. One of my favorite things about the indieweb is how much less time I spend on silo sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Replied to

Time for some pi3!


For GitHub display This is the file used in the LaTeX package actuarialsymbol. The package is distributed through CTAN.

Source: vigou3/actuarialsymbol

Week15Day1 – Caught running

Great evening out with Miss Me. Short but fun run/bike ride to Skyline park and back. Need to explore the blocked road next time. Feels like summer with temps soaring to the 80s!



Came across a really interesting open source book publishing platform – Pressbooks. Appa’s book dream is so much more closer! Adding that to my list of personal projects.