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This page collates all 'micro-posts' written either directly on this portal or via social-readers. Responses and/or other interactions to posts shared on external social networks [, Twitter, Mastodon etc.] are back-fed to the corresponding posts. Thanks Indieweb!

Replied to:« Oatmeal
I’ve really liked Standard Notes and Simplenote. Both have markdown, tag support and sync across machines. I’d weigh in on the former for encryption and the latter for version control.
I’ve never used nvAlt, so not quite sure what I’m stacking against.

in reply to: « Oatmeal

Internet! I need help. I’ve been using nvALT for years and years, and have years and years of content in it.

Replied to


Today’s ashtanga practice was insanely powerful. At the end of the first set of the standing pose, I felt like a dark cloud just about letting go of its huge water droplets and by the end of the second set I was a completely wet noodle.

Not quite sure if it was the temperature in the room or just the internal heat from the body. What I do know is, I’m slowly but surely getting better in being in the moment and able to focus better on my asana and breath work.

Today’s practice was for close to an hour. As we add more asanas and sequences, we may have to come in earlier in the morning to finish by 7.


Bookmark:Why The First Complete Map of the Ocean Floor Is Stirring Controversial Waters

Whoa! I’ve always thought we’ve already mapped everything out in the ocean. Just 5% so far? Phew!

Thanks for the pointer, Eli !

Bookmark: Why The First Complete Map of the Ocean Floor Is Stirring Controversial Waters

Earth has no shortage of stunning landforms: Mt. Everest rises majestically above the clouds; the Grand Canyon rents deep into desert rock layers; the mountains that make up the Ethiopian Highlands, aka the Roof of Africa, tower above the rest of the continent.


Bookmark:Let’s Get Graphic: 100 Favorite Comics And Graphic Novels
#comic books

Bookmark: Let’s Get Graphic: 100 Favorite Comics And Graphic Novels

Summer’s the time for comics — Marvel and DC blockbusters are in movie theaters, fans are preparing to descend on San Diego for its epic annual Comic-Con, and if nothing else, your friendly local comic store or library is there to provide an air-conditioned Fortress of Solitude where you can escape the steamy streets.


Debugging and feeds

Realized today that a code fix that I had implemented sometime back, inadvertently introduced a minor bug in my workflow. Will have to get around fixing this sometime later this week.

On another note, I decided to temporarily suspend my self-hosted freshRSS installation and moved my feeds to The Old Reader. Currently I don’t see a huge benefit of self hosting it unless I’m able to implement responding directly from that interface.