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State of The Networks – Sep 2021

  • SSP 

Over the last few months, I was able to take some time to explore a few self-hostable options. I got to explore caddy (Which is terrific by the way!), setup guacamole and I’m also absolutely loving Navidrome. I got rid of OSMC since we weren’t quite using it as much and setup pi-hole to block ads network wide. With these changes, I think I am able to put these devices to real good use. While at it, I also setup a WireGuard tunnel from a VPS to access my local devices securely outside my home network.

Since my February update, I haven’t changed the services on the cloud much. I did get rid of Bookstack, Known and Signal-CLI since I wasn’t using them as much. I am however using Trilium notes exhaustively as my go-to notes and knowledge-base application.


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