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Weeknote 50 – Ayush Homam

  • SSP 

A glimpse of the past week and the few articles, podcasts, tools, videos and music that captivated my attention:

We performed Shasta’s Ayusha homam last weekend. Both Meena and I were inclined that athimber – a super role model in the family perform it. Athimber and Appa recited the Rudram 11 times prior to the actual homam. Coincidentally, It was also Appa’s 83rd and Adi’s 2nd birthday! Aparna flew in from Florida and the rest of the family drove down from CT and NJ. We’re extremely appreciative that they could all make it!

We also got Shasta’s ears pierced this week. Remarkably, she it doesn’t quite seem to bother her much.

I turned 34 this 12th. Meena made some delicious food and as always, we kept it super low-key. I’ve been eyeing the smaller version of the REI Nalgene bottle for a while now. We stopped by at the REI store in Catonsville and picked one up. Sharath and Manni surprised me with a Garmin Forerunner 235! Probably a silent nudge to get me back to running. The Garmin forerunner 305 that they gifted me 9 years back is still super functional.

Later today we head to NJ for Adi’s ayush homam!

Interesting tools this week:

  • Outline: De-clutter, read and annotate articles
  • Darbee: A fascinating free fitness resource with well depicted illustrations, programs, videos, manuals and individual workouts

Interesting reads this week:


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