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Indieweb adoption – how does a new way spread?

  • SSP 

A conversation cropped up in the #indieweb slack about how wide its adoption currently was. It surprised me to learn that there were, at most, around 10,000 sites that could currently be described as indieweb properties.

Microformats2, WordPress and Featured Images Classes

  • SSP 

In my exhuberance to post an image along with articles syndicaed from my site to Twitter, I hastily started adding the microformats2 class u-photo. I didn’t know better. It was brought to my attention that u-photo is meant for actual photo posts, where the image is the primary content.

Into the Outback

  • SSP 
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Known for its Aboriginal peoples and its vast, ancient landscapes, the Outback is an incredibly special place for me. I think that once you get that distinctive red dust in your blood it never comes out.

Response hooks

  • SSP 
Replied to

That’s an interesting take. I use the workflow app in tandem with some custom code to send reactions/responses to posts. WP has a pretty neat ‘workflow’ integration.

Essentially, I just map my post to the corresponding post kind using a custom field.

How to Restart an Ecosystem

  • SSP 

hen I first flew over Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park in March, 2004, I saw a lush, Eden-like landscape. But I couldn’t pick out a single animal. In the 1960s, the park’s large fauna population was one of the densest and most diverse in Africa, earning Gorongosa the slogan “The place where Noah left the Ark.”