
Built out this cool scooter for S. Kinda neat how they’ve designed this - To turn, the rider needs to lean in the direction of the turn. Not sure if the kiddo will appreciate it. It sure did keep me busy for a couple hours!

May 29, 2023 · 1 min · 45 words · map[ name:Srikanth Perinkulam nick:SSP]

January 6, 2022 06:09

Built this robust scooter for little S last evening. Absolutely love how intricate these infento kits can get. Kept both of us engaged for more than four hours. The scooter should keep her occupied for a few days…or not…

January 5, 2022 · 1 min · 39 words · map[ name:Srikanth Perinkulam nick:SSP]