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  • SSP 

Warmup, 8 rounds in 24 minutes: { Set 01: 10s Plank, 10s Cross-touches, 15s Burpees, rest Set 02: 10s Hollow Hold, 10s Flutter kicks, 15s Laying down+Stand up, rest Set 03: 10s Squat Parallel, 10s Partial Squats, 15s Squat jumps, rest } x 8 Cool-down 2021-06-02 16:30:55 – The Quad 05/30 🤸 Cardio for 00:35:58…

June 2, 2021 10:13

  • SSP 

“You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, just literally 20 seconds of embarrassing bravery, and I promise you something great will come of it.” – Benjamin Mee, (We Bought a Zoo, 2011)


  • SSP 

Warmup, {100 squats, 100 Knee-to-elbow, 50 Lying down-Standing up, 50 Burpees}, Cool-down Burpees at the end end were …brutal! 2021-05-31 15:36:49 – The Quad  04/30 🤸 Cardio for 00:47:33 Calories : 336 💓 : 130


  • SSP 

2021-05-30 04:58:28 – Ashtanga 🧘 Ashtanga Primary Standing Poses for 00:28:31 Calories : 145 💓 : 108


  • SSP 

Warmup, {30 seconds each, 30 seconds break – Planks, Hollow hold, Burpees, Plank touches, Squat jumps, Flutter kicks, Knee-to-elbow, Ab cycles, Lying down-standing up} x 3, Cool-down 2021-05-29 15:41:03 – The Quad 03/30 🤸 Cardio for 00:45:02 Calories : 246 💓 : 113