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  • SSP 

Procured our third bike and our first ever mountain bike this weekend. Should be a brilliant add-on to my GMC road bike and Miss Me’s hybrid rovr. A cousin was heading back to India and we’d mentioned we’d love to purchase it from him if he was interested in selling it. Late yesterday evening I…

Podcast: Breaking News

  • SSP 

We’re building tools that will push us not to trust ANYTHING we see at levels much worse than where we already stand. Visual media will possibly get heavily diluted(polluted) and then possibly written media will gain more prevelance? Bookmark: Breaking News Today, two new technological tricks that together could invade our most deeply held beliefs…

Bookmark:Mount Jefferson & Mount Washington day hike

  • SSP 

#Mt. Jefferson #Mt Washington loop via Jewel trail, Great gulf trail, Crawford path, lake of the clouds AMC Hut, Amoonosuc Ravine trail Bookmark: Mount Jefferson & Mount Washington day hike This day hike started at the parking area for the Mount Washington Cog Railroad off of Base Station Road in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The…

Liked:Not giving up on IndieWeb

  • SSP 

Liked: Not giving up on IndieWeb I know this only an ego trip, but I’d like to get back to having comments enabled on my website. That part is actually quite easy. There is a good Comments plugin for Grav that I have tested locally and it does a nice job. Srikanth Perinkulam

Science of Survival Ep. 19: A Very Scary Fish Story

  • SSP 

The search for the Alabama sturgeon. Reminded me of the incredible documentary on How wolves can alter the course of a river. Podcast: Science of Survival Ep. 19: A Very Scary Fish Story The swamps of Alabama are one of the most biodiverse places on earth. They’ve been called America’s Amazon for the remarkable number…