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  • SSP 

Built out this cool scooter for S. Kinda neat how they’ve designed this – To turn, the rider needs to lean in the direction of the turn. Not sure if the kiddo will appreciate it. It sure did keep me busy for a couple hours!

Ciclovia Reforma

  • SSP 

S has been thoroughly enjoying these Reforma Sundays. Over the last few weekends she’s scooter-ed till Sofitel and back. Today she wanted to do the ‘Three families bike ride’. Wanted to stop and get photos at her landmarks – The Panda, The archer’s fountain and the Angel Statue. She did ride around 7 miles totally!…

Las Estacas

  • SSP 

A terrific day outing to Las Estacas. Reminded me of our Silver Springs visit in FL about five years ago. S kept mentioning this has been the best outing ever! She surprised us with wanting to jump off a 10ft high swing into the spring. I was hesitant at first – But boy I am…

Cafe de Olla

  • SSP 

Relishing this terrific drink at every given opportunity!

Paseo de la Reforma

  • SSP 

Paseo de la Reforma is partially closed for vehicular traffic on Sundays and open for recreational use. Absolutely blown away by the sheer presence of hundreds of folks running, biking, skate boarding and roller blading. Also these sidewalks…Truly magnificent!