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State of The Networks – Jun 2020

  • SSP 

A quick rundown on the state of the home-servers I run or applications I host on the cloud. My ‘Homelab’ setup has not changed much since my last update in January. I did add in a switch and installed a wireguard vpn on the RPI 3B+ that fronts as a reverse proxy for the Nextcloud…


  • SSP 

So far I had all the micro-servers in the home network connected either to a LAN port or to an Orbi Satellite. This week I implemented a simple 8 port un-managed TP-Link switch into my ‘homelab’. Costed just about 18 bucks with a price-match from amazon and it has tremendously improved upload/download speeds! Also it’s…

Optimizing images

  • SSP 

My Samsung phone by default generates pretty high resolution pictures. Even with the most basic setting, captured images turn out to be ~3MB! I’m not a huge photo buff and don’t necessarily need such high clarity pictures which consume a lot of space. I recently came across two amazing utilities that help optimize images in…

Weeknote 19 – feeds and sessions

  • SSP 

A glimpse of the past week and the few things that captivated my attention: Weather’s been pretty erratic this week. We also had a mild dusting yesterday out of the blue! Might consider heading out for a hike later today. I nudged Meena to write more. We’ve had some interesting discussions on Yoga and other…

Trilium Web app

Migrating over to Trilium notes

  • SSP 

PS: For step-by-step instructions read this post instead I’ve had my eyes on Trilium notes since last year. Having setup a robust docker framework earlier this year, I decided to test Trilium out. Gave it a test run this morning and am way impressed with its’ functionalities! With docker, installation was super easy and I…