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  • SSP 

Warmup, { 20 Plank Jacks + 15 BW Squats + 6 Lying-down-Stand-ups + 30 Jumping Jacks } -> As many as possible in 30 Min, Cool-down 2021-06-18 07:10:38 – The Quad 11/30 🤸 Cardio for 00:49:32 Calories : 347 💓 : 125


  • SSP 

Warmup { 05sec Quick feet 10sec Pushups/Cross-touches 10sec Burpees 20sec Jumping Jacks 15sec rest } x 25 Cool-down 2021-06-16 15:04:55 – The Quad 10/30 🤸 Cardio for 00:44:30 Calories : 268 💓 : 119


  • SSP 

Partner workout day! Warmup, {Set 01: 3 Squat Jumps + 1 Broad Jump + 3 Cross-touches Rest while partner finishes the set Set 02: 3 Push-ups + 1 Burpee-up + 3 Broad Jumps + 3 Squat Jumps Rest while partner finishes the set } – As many reps as possible in 25 mins Cool-down 2021-06-14…

June 11, 2021 18:49

  • SSP 

An odd and forced hiatus to the workout program that I had going with Meena. What started off as a discomfort in the tummy on Thursday afternoon led to mild fever and chills over the night. Likely the handful of saunf tipped me over? Took a few hours off from work and was back to…


  • SSP 

Partner workout day! Let’s call this a loop within loop workout! Warmup, For ($x = 1,  $x<=7, $x++) { $x Burpee(s) + Within each Burpee [For ($y = 1,  $y<=$x,  $y++) { $y Knee-to-elbow(s) }] $x lying-down-standing-up(s) + Right after lying down [For ($z = 1,  $z<=$x,  $z++) { $z Ab-cycle(s) }] Wait for partner…