Open notes with a running list of things I’m working on for this site.
DEC 2024
- Build roadmap for Garmin posts migration
- Fetch activity summaries over as an archive
- Build a yearly summary per activity
- Add webmentions to the site. Thanks, Hugo!
- Tweak CSS to display webmentions properly. Maybe explore this.
- Maybe explore setting up an interactions content type like Jessica
- Fix syndication issues
- Limit RSS Feed fetch to just 5 recent posts
- Make FrontMatter updates Camelcase proof
- Consolidate into just one GO script
- Figure out how to fetch synd links for micro posts without embed links1
- Consolidate categories2
- Convert old tweets to a summary page on this portal
- Merge old instagram posts to the photos page3
- Maybe add some pagination to the micro page
- Migrate old PixelFed photos over.
- Add a proper comment form for posts4.
- Setup a script to autopost to GoToSocial.
NOV 2024
- Used lonekorean’s fantastic wordpress-export-to-markdown tool to convert WP xml to markdown
- learned that the hugo server and hugo build serve different purposes
- Setup aliases on NUC and Thinkpond to quickly build and publish. Moved the actual publishing workflow to the Thinkpond and retained the main static site on the NUC.
- Fixed permalinks to prevent link rot, almost?
- Fixed RSS feed issues
- For posts tagged as micro set the title to just date+time so that picks it up as a note and not display the title.
- Migrate older posts as deemed fit
- Build a proper archive page. Made some decent progress, thanks to D’Arcy Norman’s, pointers here .
- Build a proper photo gallery
Decided to add a permalink to each post at the end. A shortcode automatically fetches the permalink and adds it to the end of each post. ↩︎
Wrote a quick GO script to consolidate these ↩︎
Moved the photos over. Decided to leave the photo notes behind. ↩︎
Decided to use ISSO over Remark42 ↩︎
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