The Ubuntu family has now doled out their latest OS - Ubuntu 8.04 code named - Hardy Heron. This release is more than different when compared to it’s previous releases. Majorly because it’s got a Wubi installer which facilitates installation directly from a Windows platform. The OS gets installed on the same partition just like any other software application, thus relieving a linux noobie from all the hassles of partitioning a drive. It can also be uninstalled just like any other app. through the Add/ Remove programs. :-)
Hardy Heron is a Long term Support ( LTS ) version. The Ubuntu community release LTS versions once in every two years and I belive this version is going to be supported till 2011 ! For server editions the support is for Five years! :-)
Hardy comes in with the Firefox 3 ( Still in the Late stages of Beta ), Open Office 2.40 and the GIMP (2.4.5) . Early reviews suggest the OS is pretty stable and gels with a breeze in Windows. Ubuntu 7.04 ( Gutsy Gibbon ) literally smirked at Vista. Wonder what Hardy has in store!
Any reasons why you shouldn’t be giving this a shot? :-)
Rush and download it from here !
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