I happened to sign in to  my yahoo photos for no apparent reason today and this is what  caught my attention

 Yahoo Photos is Closing down by September 20th 2007 

 To be frank I was shell shocked! It was just out of the blue that I’d signed in and they would have deleted all of my photos had I not dropped in by September 20th. They could at least have sent me a mail regarding their change in stand! 

Fortunately, they’re giving you three options. One to directly transfer all of your photos to Flickr (Yahoo acquired Flickr in 2005 ) or a few other sites like kodak , butterfly et al , the second to download all the photos one by one yourself  and the third and most interesting- forego them ! 

 I have about a thousand photos in it and downloading all of them is  way impractical. I was always considering transferring all of my photos to Picasa. But then Yahoo Photos never had an option for direct transfer. So I’m sort of obliged to transfer my photos to Flickr, which I reluctantly have accepted to!   :-(