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Owning my Garmin data

  • SSP 

Over the last month, I took some time to build a tiny WordPress plugin that fetches data from my garmin connect platform and displays it on my website. Currently the workflow only pulls activity data from the platform – which was my focus for this month. With modifications to the python script, I think this can be extended further to fetch any type of data from the platform.

State of The Networks – Feb 2021

  • SSP 

A quick rundown on the state of the home-servers I run or applications I host on the cloud. Published while listening to: Malang With our temporary relocation, I currently manage two ‘home-labs’ – one which I remotely manage with a WireGuard tunnel and the other just a local-access only setup. The remote home-lab is essentially…

State of The Networks – Jun 2020

  • SSP 

A quick rundown on the state of the home-servers I run or applications I host on the cloud. My ‘Homelab’ setup has not changed much since my last update in January. I did add in a switch and installed a wireguard vpn on the RPI 3B+ that fronts as a reverse proxy for the Nextcloud…

Deploying Known on a docker stack

  • SSP 

To migrate my php applications that did not have a handy docker-compose available, I needed a vanilla setup for my stack-based docker environment. Known is one of those apps and so the first step was to build that PHP environment. Setting up a Dockerhub repository and building a custom PHP image [If you decide to…


Weeknote 17 – Covid19, Webmentions and Migrations

  • SSP 

A glimpse of the past week and the few articles, podcasts, tools, videos and music that captivated my attention: This week I got a better handle at deploying and maintaining docker images. With that squared out, I decided to decommission the Digital Ocean servers that I had setup back in 2017 and migrate the applications…